We are back with a new expedition! Part of the team comes from Italy exclusively to see the Pyrenean Bear. We have a great responsibility and we will do everything possible so that they can observe it.
The meeting time is at 6 in the morning, and without wasting a second we go straight to the waiting point. And as usual, binoculars in hand, we began to monitor and observe the entire mountain. After a while, our specialist, who had mobilized to control the area from another place, tells us that he has seen a bear heading to the area where the group was making the observation. So we all go back to the positions and continue to control. Suddenly the bear is seen again! We have been watching him how he has crossed the whole mountain for a long time until we finally lost track of him.
The group is impressed! Despite how complicated it is to see it, we have achieved it!! We couldn’t be happier. We are the first to be aware that they are wild animals, and normally they are very difficult to see, but at the same time we are the first to want the groups that come to see them, so we put all our senses into trying to make it so. And this time it was no less. We have celebrated it and we have gone to breakfast, we deserve it!
In the afternoon we have to go to the mountain, so now we will try to rest and get energy. We begin to ascend the path, the peaks of the mountains are getting closer. The views are spectacular, along the way it starts to rain, and we are surprised by the rainbow. We finally arrive at Puno where we will wait, I know I have already said it, but I insist, the landscape could not be more beautiful. All equipment binoculars in hand we began to monitor the area. It’s raining and it’s getting dark, the fog complicates visibility and after a while without changes, we decided to change the strategy. We are going to change places and tomorrow we will get up early to wait.
The sun is rising and we are already high and with the binoculars. And after a while watching we see a bear! Suddenly he gets into some trees and we lose him for a few minutes and we see him again. The bear goes uphill, we have been watching it for a long time until finally the fog has covered it. It was a nice sighting and the group couldn’t be happier. It’s time to go to breakfast, they’ve earned it!
Today we will finally go up the mountain, there is a possibility that we will see the bear on that side, so we all start up the path to the top. When we arrive we see that the fog prevents a correct visualization, however we will wait. This time we split up to increase the chances of sighting. The weather today makes us leave earlier, so we go back to the cabin, the simple experience of being where we are and sleeping in nature makes up for everything, we have also had a great time talking and explaining things to each other before going to sleep. In the morning there is no longer a trace of the fog, and we are going to make a wait. The sun rises and the day is splendid, we finally return. With everything ready we began to descend to the cars to return. It has been a great experience.

It is with great sadness that the end of this expedition has come and it is time to say goodbye. It has been a real pleasure, we will miss you very much and we hope to see you again very soon! Thank you team!!!!!